Thursday, May 21, 2020

A Distraction of Lies (Truth and Lies Trilogy #1) by Charlotte E. Hart

A Distraction of Lies
by Charlotte E Hart

My 5 Star Review ~AmuseMeBooks

Distraction: a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else. Extreme agitation of the mind or emotions..

Hannah's very existence depends on it. The ultimate distraction from what? Regret.Feelings.Deceit.Life. Her life.Hannah Tanner must find a new way to function as what she thought was real becomes quite the opposite. Through her discovery of the truth she meets Grayson Rothburg and with him as her guide she begins to feel what is real. Charlotte E Hart has pushed the boundaries of my mind again. Every book I read I am hooked! This is trilogy and now I must have #2!!

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