The Hollow Universe...
To say that the Hollow Universe is captivating, is an understatement. OBSESSION is the turbulent story of a young heiress, Elliana and her personal protective detail, Hyde, and the ten years they endure together. Ellie, as she prefers to be called, is not the spoiled rich bitch you would expect being born to wealth. She is kind, compassionate, and unconditionally giving. She is a fighter and proves herself to be tougher than anyone expected. All plans come to halt when the unthinkable happens and Ellie's entire world turns upside down after a terrible attack. Hyde must decide how to protect the only woman he dares to care for and share his secret without destroying Ellie's trust. This is a book that will claw at your heart and leave you sobbing for more!! Ms. McClendon stirs it up like nobody's business. Read it right now!
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